Assessment Content

Ethical Leadership Group Presentation (15 minutes)

In his article Developing and Sustaining an Ethical Corporate Culture: the core elements, Schwartz outlines six core ethical values that drive leader’s behaviour during ethical decisions. For this assignment your group will choose one of the values and present an ethical leadership dilemma that relates to a business decision. The decision could be about staff, suppliers, government regulations or community members. You are encouraged to use Chat GPT to develop the dilemma, and potential examples of leadership behaviour related to that value. Then, use your critical thinking skills to apply leadership experiences you have had, or learned about to show how the leader addresses the situation.

Your presentation should include:

  • Introduction to the team and topic
  • Definition/explanation of the value on which you are presenting
  • An ethical leadership dilemma related to the value in a business setting
  • Explanation or demonstration of how the value relates to at least two leadership characteristics
  • Summary/conclusion
Leadership Characteristics Core Elements of an Ethical Culture
Collaborative Trustworthiness
Innovative Respect
Courageous Responsibility
Visionary Fairness
Results focused Citizenship
Good listener and communicator Caring

Please include a final slide with your reference including which AI tools you used and the prompts you used to get the results on which you built.

Group Assignment – Ethical Leadership Rubric

Criteria Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Introduction to the team and topic

0/.5/1 point
Introduction lacks clarity, relevance, or engagement.

Introduction provides minimal information about the team or the topic.

Presentation does not establish a clear connection to the ethical value being discussed.
Introduction provides some basic information about the team and the topic.

Introduction establishes a connection to the ethical value, but lacks depth or creativity.
Introduction effectively engages the audience by providing relevant information about the team and the topic.

Introduction establishes a strong connection to the ethical value, capturing the audience’s attention.
Definition/explanation of the value

0 points /1.5 points/ 3 points
Definition or explanation of the ethical value is missing or incorrect.

Presentation demonstrates a limited understanding of the value being discussed.
Definition or explanation of the value is partially accurate but lacks clarity or depth.

Presentation demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the value being discussed.
Definition or explanation of the value is clear and concise.
Presentation demonstrates a thorough understanding of the value being discussed.

Definition or explanation of the value is comprehensive and well- supported.
Ethical leadership dilemma

0 points /1.5 points/ 3 points
Ethical leadership dilemma is missing or irrelevant.

Presentation does not effectively present a dilemma related to the ethical value being discussed.
Ethical dilemma lacks clarity, complexity, or connection to real- world business situations.

Ethical leadership dilemma is presented but lacks depth or detailed analysis.

Presentation somewhat demonstrates the connection between the dilemma and the ethical value.
Ethical leadership dilemma is clearly presented with depth and analysis, highlighting the ethical implications in a business context.

Presentation effectively demonstrates the connection between the dilemma and the ethical value.
Explanation or demonstration of how the value relates to the dilemma

points/ 3 points/ 6 points
Explanation or demonstration of the connection between the value and the leadership characteristics is missing or inaccurate.

Presentation does not effectively explain or demonstrate the relevance of the ethical value to the dilemma.
Explanation or demonstration of the connection between the value and the leadership characteristics is partially accurate but lacks depth or critical analysis.

Presentation somewhat explains or demonstrates the relevance of the ethical value to the dilemma.
Presentation demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the value being discussed.

Explanation or demonstration of the connection between the value and the leadership characteristics is accurate and well- supported with analysis and examples.

Presentation effectively explains or demonstrates the relevance of the ethical value to the dilemma, showcasing critical thinking skills.

0 points /1 point/ 2 points
Summary or conclusion is missing or does not effectively summarize the main points.

Presentation ends abruptly or lacks a coherent conclusion.
Presentation summary effectively summarizes the main points of the presentation, providing a clear and concise conclusion. Presentation concludes with impact, leaving the audience with a strong understanding of the topic and value.

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